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The world's first AI powered CKD Coach

Powered by trusted medical content combined with advanced artificial intelligence, NephroGuide is a WhatsApp integrated, 24/7, easily accessible, multi-lingual, voice enabled CKD coach for patients around the world

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Real Time Food Analysis

Just aim and shoot a picture of your food with your phone. NephroGuide will recognize the food, look it up trusted databases and respond with real-time guidance on what to eat & what to avoid. It's like MAGIC!!

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Food Information & Recipes

Can I eat this? Or, is that healthy for me? Thousands have users have benefitted from instant and trusted answers to such questions by NephroGuide - making their lives better and safer. 


CKD related Education

Medication side effects, knowledge about symptoms and signs to watch for, guidance about various terms used in CKD treatment, NephroGuide provides you instant and trusted answers

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World Congress of Nephrology 2025 Abstract

"An AI powered Dialysis Coach deployed across 5000 patients in India: Initial Experience"

CONCLUSION: "The tool has significant potential in improving health outcomes for ESKD patients and reducing burden on healthcare systems, particularly in resource-constrained environments" 

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